Comment 54742

Parent Comment

Aug 16, 2007, 2:06:31 PM UTC
He really grows on you after a while. The hopeless cheerleader for Sesshoumaru Big Smile

Comment ID 54742

[Art] Youkai Play
Aug 16, 2007, 2:31:55 PM UTC on [Art] Youkai Play
Yup!! I need to find the pic i did of him a while back & post it... Poor jaken needs more fanart!


  • Aug 18, 2007, 11:44:26 PM UTC
    I have one on my dA account of Sesshoumaru and Jaken in a hot spring and a little naked Rin doing a cannonball right into the water. Jaken's shocked expression is priceless especially countered with Sesshoumaru's slightly perplexed one.
    • Aug 19, 2007, 12:05:58 PM UTC
      Yeah? I wish I could see that one. I can't see anything marked mature, & with the way they have been behaving over there with fanart, I wonder how long that pic of yours will last before they report it. Any chance you'll post it over here as it sounds really cute!!
      • Aug 19, 2007, 11:20:41 PM UTC
        I'll post it over here soon. I've been hearing about the trouble over there, but it has yet to show up on my doorstep. I imagine it will eventually though. It's their own fault if nice artwork gets removed from the website.
        • Aug 20, 2007, 5:50:51 AM UTC
          *nods* I've been hearing about it for a while & know people who've been affected by it, which makes me very happy I left almost a year ago. Some of the stuff, I can understand getting pulled, but some stuff was pulled for the stupidest reasons. Such as my pic in my gallery of Adult Rin & Sessh kissing for example, would get yanked because it's "child porn" *blinks* because you can't age Rin. What's up with that? Both characters are fully clothed & Sessh shows a bit of skin on hsi chest, because Rin isd clutching his kimono. And i've heard they were going around yanking fanfics too for the same reason. It's utterly ridiculous if you ask me. Stuff that was put under the amture filter is being yanked for content, so why have such a filter? The whole things makes no sense... ^^; But enough ranting.
          • Aug 20, 2007, 11:17:58 AM UTC
            I'd have to say that the inherent issue is that they have all of these regulations that they classify under child pornography (which most of it isn't, since an adult having sexual relations with a sexually mature minor is called statutory rape, not child molestation. Not to mention the sexual relations of two people of the same sexually mature age... that's not even illegal) is that all of it is being made subjective and based on people's knowledge of a series. It should be completely based on whether those two people in the picture are reasonably depicted as adults. Going outside of that is simply persecuting people who have different tastes than you do.

            I'm not a fan of SessxRin. She's his little girl, his daughter and it weirds me out otherwise, but it would be wrong of me to ban artwork that depicts them sexually, because I have a differing opinion. At least, that's what it really seems like to me.

            Regardless, I'm disappointed with both sides of the controversy. Calling this a "witch hunt" is a gross overstatement and takes away credit from the cause, so to speak. I want to thump everyone on the head and tell them to stop acting like victims and then put together a real letter asking dA what their goals are as a website, especially regarding fanart. Then people can sign it without leaving inane, misspelled comments.

            The damage is already done though...
            • Aug 20, 2007, 12:38:33 PM UTC
              Exactly! What started it was someone calling a pic of 2 sexually mature people (teens around 18 & they were stated as being 18 in the pic) child porn. The pic was suggestive, but not half as bad as you'd find in some of their galleries. (Fetish comes to mind) So a whole "debate" started where the one side refused to listen (I've been following & the so called witch-hunters kept spewing the same crap over & over again, without trying to see what the other side was trying to say. That's when the mass-deletions started occurring & they were deleting stuff like an Adult Rin with Sesshomaru, even though Rin had all the markers one would use to tell a child from a grown woman. Then a "new rule" suddenly appeared in DA'sa TOS saying you cna't age underage characters period. No notification to anyone whether or not they're affected by that rule, even though it said they're supposed according to the TOS. When you do stuff like, is it any wonder why the one side feels picked on. So peopel who were trying to follow the rules, suddenly were finiding themselves in violation of it. And what really is sad about the whole thing, is those who started the whole thing about reporting "questionable" art that was HIDDEN under the MATURE fillter claimed to be 15 years old. They shouldn't be looking under that period. Just like they shouldn't be here under the red curtain. When people complained about it, they were ignored & the 15 years had a field day reporting stuff. Stuff that up until that rule change were acceptableunder DA's TOS. That's why peopel were getting angry. Plus there were mods at DA who were an inch away from inciting a flame war by siding with the witch hunters & basically calling the artists whose work was removed "cry babies" & basically agreeing with the witch hunters that they were child pornographers. Yes, the damage is done & had DA sat down & spoke top those affected in an adult manner & put a stop to nonsense instead of encouraging it, it probably would have died down.

              I agree with you there. Banning because you're not a fan of something is wrong.

              Unfortunately when people refused to act like adults things spiraled out of control. I left nearly a year ago, why? because I was being harassed in comments & through notes & DA ignored it. Just like the letter which several friends have sent to DA asking what's going on & why are things being deleted for no reason. So the one side has tried to be an adult.

              *nods* Sad but true...
              • Aug 20, 2007, 11:16:50 PM UTC
                It's become one big mess and I'm just going to ride it out and hopefully not take too much damage. Even if they were to go extreme and remove anything with the slightest adult content regarding underage characters, it only takes out 20 percent of my gallery. A lot of my beefcake art is of biseinens anyway.

                My problem is with losing the hit counts and the fav counts. It takes a lot of time to build those up and for some whiny little teenager to come along and say "eww" once and it gets deleted is kind of infuriating.

                It's sad that trolls pushed you out of there a year ago and sadly I wouldn't be that surprised if it happened to me.
                • Aug 21, 2007, 5:51:49 AM UTC
                  Oh yeah. There's no doubt about that. After this blows over, DA won't be the same. I nearly went back & then this whole thing started. One good thing I've noticed is they've started banning the worst harrassers, so maybe people will be a bit more civil when they disagree with something.

                  That's the sad part. Sometimes things were yanked without warning, so that the artist couldn't even get a screen cap of all those hits & faves. And that's basically why the artists got mad. I think rather than one report of "Eww... gross!!" one should have at least 3 before it's looked into & then a decision should be made to remove it & the artist should be given a chance to take it down. If they don't do it, then DA should do it for them after giving them a chance to do it themselves. I'm sure they'
                  re ways to amke thatt error page come up so something "offensive" can be covered until the artist deals with it.

                  *sighs* yeah... what can you do? But at least I'm here and so far there're no trolls here which is nice.
                  • Aug 22, 2007, 3:09:13 PM UTC
                    I dunno. I try not to censor any of my work. I just recently placed my topless pictures of Kagura and Kagome under a mature filter. Most people on dA are girls and if they can't handle seeing a drawing of something they have under their own shirt, then there's something very wrong with them, not me. Last time I checked, prudes weren't deviants.

                    All the same, the rest of my borderline dirty artwork is out in the open for all to see. I'd rather it get pulled from the site than place it under a stupid filter or alter it to make it okay for people who shouldn't be on the site to begin with. There's such thing as artistic pride, honestly.
                    • Aug 22, 2007, 3:52:24 PM UTC
                      I wouldn't want you to censor your own work. In fact in most instances censorship in the arts is just plain wrong. Theres' nothing wrong with a beautiful drawing of nude woman, it's just when they touch themselves in ways that suggest they are going for a pornographic angle rather than an artistic one & since those tend be photographs... But to make a fuss over something they can see every night in the bathroom mirror before taking a bath is stupid. And once upon a time suggestive art & even erotic writing was allowed at DA.

                      Good for you! You're right in that you should create what you want & if it's borderline ecchi, so what?
                      • Aug 23, 2007, 7:33:06 AM UTC
                        I want to say they're just kids and that they haven't figured out their own sexuality yet or that they're spouting what most of society says about eroticism to hide their own insecurities. All of that is well and good, because we all have our opinions and we should all be allowed to express ourselves in the vastness that is the internet.

                        I just don't like it when the consideration doesn't go both ways. If you're so uncomfortable that you'll go out of your way to impede someone else's expression of their own values and fantasy by having their art (which they've worked hard on) removed, then who's really hurting who here?

                        All of this just makes me want to draw something completely explicit and rub it in their faces.
                        • Aug 23, 2007, 8:43:11 AM UTC
                          *nods* You're probably right, but I think they should look or not look after seeing something "upsetting" once. I mean why keep at it & then why brag about turning all that art in? Seriously I've know there's galleries over at Da that I don't want to browse because I don't feel like looking at nekkid women nor do i want see nekkid men 7 women doing things with stuff that i had no idea that could be used that way. ^^; Do I report it because it disgusts me? No, because I chose not to look at it. I know it's there because I had things set so i could view & post under a mature filter and I could see it on the "what's new" page.

                          They are actually hurting themselves in the long run by being so narrow-minded & insisting on censorship. One day they'll wake up & want to post something ecchi , only to find they have no outlet for it, because everything's censored. Which is a sad place to live in if you ask me.

                          *nods* I hear you. A part of me wants to go back & post stuff like that & really get banned! *laughs* Only I won't because my brother's over there & I don't want him getting banned because of me. (IP address would be the same) So i left, continued in my own little world & basically did what i wanted to PLEASE myself.
                          • Aug 24, 2007, 6:23:49 AM UTC
                            Well, I've built a nice little account over there, so I'm not really keen on acting out on my "so you think that's bad?" impulses.

                            You're right though, bragging about impeding someone else's creativity is just low. I can see it happening though. A week or so ago on dA, I had someone come along critiquing a picture. They apparently liked it, but had a few opinions on execution and technique. I explained why I did what I did and also where it needed improvements and thanked them for the comment. They were surprised that I accepted critiques so easily and told me about other artists who reject anyone else's opinions about their art and only wanted glowing responses. I explained that no one grows as an artist if they don't listen to people at least a little bit when it comes to constructive criticism. Apparently this was the okay for this person to unleash a barrage of critiques on my other art and I had to tell them to stop for the sake of my self-esteem (and my lowering opinion of their opinions). They stopped, but went into this long discussion about how they had no self-esteem and hated everything and everyone.

                            I can't help, but think that these pathetic trolls are from the same tree. They hate everything and everyone in their own teenage angsting lives and so they take it out on others, because everyone should feel as crappy as they do.
                            • Aug 24, 2007, 7:31:25 AM UTC
                              *laughs* Ican understand that, but you can still imagine doing it in your head, no?

                              Oh yeah. The sad thing is is happens all the time. *sighs* That's nasty what they did though. I had someone complain over at DA that all my cged stuff was "bad" because i failed to have a black outline around everything and that i should stop doing it because I obviously can't do it correctly. WTF? So I can see the troll feeling the need to vent on your work, because it's better than anything they could do. ( times out of 10 those who are the nastiest, have NOTHING to back their words up with, nor do i think they realize how disheartening their harshness is. But in your case, they're being nasty because their lives are miserable is NO excuse!! That's just plain WRONG in 10 foot high capital letters!!

                              It's quite possible and also for the first time they've reached celebrity status. Think about it, they had people supporting their cause, without knowing the facts. Urd-chan has spam on her front page over at DA about pedophilia, why? because she had a journal complaining DA removed a mildly suggestive pic she did of Inuyasha & Kagome. You wouldn't believe what these trolls have called her in the forums. I got so mad I emailed DA saying I wasn't returning because they are now letting members bash each other without doing anything about it. And there's pages of that crap so it wasn't like a random comment. It's really terrible how bad it got and all because someone was having a bad day & decided to take it out on some innocent bystander. I'm just sorry, you had to deal with some of it yourself. It's not right. If you feel bad, talk to your friends and get support from them in a good way, not a bad way by spreading unhappiness. *sighs* I could rant all day about this, but I don't want to clutter up your pic with my venting. Sorry! ^^;