Comment 41919

Comment ID 41919

Aug 31, 2006, 4:41:30 AM UTC on [Art] RUFFLES
I would kill for a dress like that.
Have you ever considered going into clothing design on the side?


  • Sep 1, 2006, 8:27:58 AM UTC
    I actually considered going into clothing design full-time, but the fashion industry is much like...the music industry: if you aren't HUGE, you're broke. @_@ It's just as hard to be a well-known designer as it is to be a well-known singer.

    Still, I would love to be a clothing designer (that's another dream of mine). PLUS THE MILLIONS WOULD BE NICE, LAWL.

    Why KILL when you can just pay a courier service $500 for a dress like that? Man, what a bargain. D:<