Comment 41909

Comment ID 41909

[Art] Oh My Alice!
Aug 31, 2006, 4:24:44 AM UTC on [Art] Oh My Alice!
First of all, your style is amazing!!! Heart Heart Heart

AND, Alice is like one of my most favoritest characters in almost all of history!
I have a character named after her!


  • Aug 31, 2006, 10:01:27 AM UTC
    Thank you SO MUCH!! Really!!

    I've been trying to change my style a lot lately because I don't like it. :x To me it looks very amateur. Maybe it's just me, though...

    Alice is SO cool! I love her to pieces!
    • Aug 31, 2006, 9:56:59 PM UTC
      I agree!
      Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass are some of my favoritest books EVAR.

      I truly love your style though, it's sleek and cute, but sexy and cool at the same time! I could easily fall in love with it!

      I hope you decide to do a comic someday!
      • Sep 1, 2006, 4:17:31 PM UTC
        Oh, me too! I have a collection of Lewis Carroll's writings; it's one of the only books I've ever bought myself (because I hate reading). I love it!!

        Thank you so much again. @__@ You really are so nice to me; you give me a lot of confidence! Every day I think about different comics I want to do, but I just don't know enough and am not good enough yet to go for it. D: I don't want to end up completely embarassing myself (as it seems I am prone to do).

        I still always hope that I'll someday be able to have an online webcomic! It doesn't even have to be popular; I just so want to share my ideas with people. That would make me so happy!

        Thank you for encouraging me so much. Heart You're a joy!
        • Sep 1, 2006, 9:03:03 PM UTC
          Oh really deary! You definitley deserve the praise! You're very talented!
          When I first started drawing my own characters and came up with my own ideas for stories, I was so eager to make a comic for my characters to express themselves in.
          And you're right!
          It is difficult! But nevertheless, I just jumped right in, because you can't let fear hold ya back!
          Through the years I got better and learned more and more. I really think you could do the same.
          Everyone here at PD is super nice, so we could give you constructive criticism, to make your art better and all that jazz.

          I really think you have amazing potential and that certain spark in your characters. I'd love to see your talents grow.