Comment 38930

Comment ID 38930

[Art] Wolverine...What else?
Jul 31, 2006, 6:17:25 PM UTC on [Art] Wolverine...What else?
ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! lONG TIME NO SEE!!!!! Hum, hum, sorry, good job! Very good! Joe Madueria has to be my favorite comic book artist and let me tell you, you did him justice!


  • Aug 1, 2006, 10:10:38 PM UTC
    O.O Wow... thank you so so much sweetheart. That is such an amazing compliment to receive. Well I did have to use reference and everything for this being that I have never drawn an X-Men character before, but I think I did okay at replicating it. The most important thing is that my boyfriend (You can see a pic of us in my images here) likes it. His birthday is tomorrow and Wolverine is his favorite character. And to think that I did a good enough job re-drawing this guy to get a compliment like you gave me is amazing. I am sorry I have not been on in a while. I have not been well. I will tell you the story another time when I am not so sleepy. It is midnight here. lol Love you sweetheart. I will get back to you and let you know what has been going on as soon as I can. Hug
    • Aug 2, 2006, 4:24:09 PM UTC
      God, it seems like ages since we last talked. I'll be checking out the picture in your profile !SmileAs soon as i get a minute i'll try to send you a pm, much love!!!!!!!