Comment 36376

Parent Comment

Jul 7, 2006, 12:03:56 PM UTC
Sory I litle shocked.. I always think that you are male... ( my einglish is horible... I come from poland... and I steal have problems with that launguech... I try dont use translator... and this is efect Big Smile )

Comment ID 36376

[Art] Vegita beta-art
Jul 7, 2006, 12:16:31 PM UTC on [Art] Vegita beta-art
Never mind. On the net we can train our english, like I doing, that Im not forget this important language.


  • Jul 8, 2006, 10:59:56 AM UTC
    I always want to learn this laungue... When I start learn but in sholl wasent english... only German so when I come to clas with english, They was beter than me... I never try to write before... but Im learning fast... and now when I decaited to yoin devianart and paperdemon i can get some practice...
    • Jul 9, 2006, 12:51:24 AM UTC
      Thank you for all your answers to my comments. Dont wonder if I do not answer every time, because I am not long times in the net. So dont wonder if you dont hear often from me. But I am nearly every day here in this site to pay a short visit, or to upload a new artwork.
      • Jul 9, 2006, 11:01:40 AM UTC
        well Ill hav 2 hours at day to use net... but Ill write fics, and Illhad my account in devianart... and on some outhers website... so Ill have problems with write tu... But its very nice when people writing something, instead of leave art whidout anything...
        Im very happy that Im decaited to join that site... ^^