Comment 33614

Parent Comment

Jun 4, 2006, 7:53:48 AM UTC
colored or not colored it still looks great. i love the face and mask.

to tell you the truth. first draft of the story. Vegeta had three deep, long scars on his face from one side to the other.

i changed it at the last mintue deciding a mask would be cooler and it's not cliche. plus, it made for a surprisish ending. well i think i did at least.

i love the boots too. they look look weapons a bit themselfs.

Comment ID 33614

[Art] Vegeta (Wisher's beware)
Jun 4, 2006, 11:48:17 AM UTC on [Art] Vegeta (Wisher's beware)
Oh cool I'm so glad you liked it! I love the story! I posted him on DA and everyone commented on how sexy he loks with a mask on, even from Goku fans!!! So you did a good job on the character design! I also love memories make the man!! That is brill I cant wait for the next chapter! When will that be on here?


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