Comment 22987

Comment ID 22987

[Art] Sapphire
Jan 18, 2006, 4:38:12 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Jan 10, 2007 by eegirlee on [Art] Sapphire
I just love your pictures, they really look like they're going somewhere! ^ ^ They remind me of Amy Brown's fairy art, except you use watercolor. A nice touch, especially considering so many people use oekakis or other programs to color their art. Thanks for sharing that hint about the salt, it may come in handy! Wish I could comment on all your art, - and this is not just me being "candy coated"- it is honestly just fabulous.

-edit- I think what I meant by this was "wow, you could go pro!!! It's unique and fabulous and wunderful!" ^_^


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