Comment 16292

Comment ID 16292

[Art] Nicolous D. Wolfwood
Oct 16, 2005, 10:24:57 PM UTC on [Art] Nicolous D. Wolfwood
YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!!!! I feel such love!! I totally didn't know you were going to draw him for me! (Then I checked my messages, heheh) I am so lucky to have a friend like you, Kristy; you absolutely spoil me.
OK, now that I'm over my initial overwhelming delight... You did such a great job! I understand from having done it so many times that it's difficult to draw a character you know nothing about, much less put that character's spirit into a drawing. And whudjalookatthat... you did it! But I expected nothing less, hehe ^_^ You never cease to amaze. And delight. Thank you so much, hun! I love you *sends you massive bear hug full of love* Laughing I'll add this one to my file with the other and then print it out. A million thanks!! Mwah Heart


  • Oct 17, 2005, 10:00:33 AM UTC
    Now I am the one who is spoiled! Laughing You are more than welcome for him my dear. You have always ben my biggest source of support and encouragement and I just had to show you my appreciation somehow. I am pretty happy with how he turned out. Not too bad for a first drawing of him. I am going to try to add some smoke to his cigarette using my paint shop thingy though. Hopefully that will turn out all right. ^_^ I am so glad that you like it. I was putting the rest of his suit on there, but you know, it looked better with just the lapels. So I erased the rest of the suit. I think maybe I might go back and do a background of some sort for this though so he doesn't look too overwhelmed by the white page. We'll see. Nothing but the best for you my dear. All my love. And keep up the great work on your drawings.
    • Oct 18, 2005, 10:59:47 AM UTC
      Yay! More warm fuzzies! Laughing
      I'm so touched that you drew this for me; I love it so much. He looks fantastic and I don't think you need to change a thing.
      You're so sweet, Kristy. Thank you!!!