Comment 159471

Parent Comment

Jun 9, 2024, 2:03:23 PM UTC
Somewhat? She looks fantastic! It's so nice.

I have to add that the little staff with the skull on it is also awfully adorable, hahah! I don't even like magical girl stuff, but there's something about your character! ... Big fan.

Comment ID 159471

[Art] Are undead magical girls even a thing?
Jun 10, 2024, 1:45:17 AM UTC on [Art] Are undead magical girls even a thing?
Aw thank you! Happy you think so!
I don't have much experience in making magic girl things, so I was worried that her outfit looked a bit generic.


  • Jun 12, 2024, 11:09:09 AM UTC
    Certain elements are just what makes a "magical girl" outfit look recognizable, so it will always need to contain at least a few, typical details. I don't think it looks generic, but I don't watch nor enjoy the sort. I may not know better, but in total, due to the unique appearance of your character, not any outfit will look very generic on her.

    We'll often end up seeing the "complete" view rather than the specifics in the very end. After we're done focusing on those specifics, at least for some of us hahah