Comment 159368

Parent Comment

May 29, 2024, 10:37:08 AM UTC
Overall coloring or that of the character? I neither know what it is I do, I believe you mostly look at the layer effects, as most things are very flat underneath, except for a few high lights.

Thankyyouuu for everything~

Comment ID 159368

[Art] Sea Fashion
May 31, 2024, 12:51:16 PM UTC on [Art] Sea Fashion
I mean your general coloring but in this one it's pretty present if that makes sense, because he's so close to the camera instead of standing in the distance. Like how there are colored spots in the lineart for example.


  • Jun 24, 2024, 9:05:58 PM UTC
    Oh! I'm glad you like it! ... I don't always color the lineart, it depends on the frequency of lines within a certain space and how it interferes with the total appearance/view. If it distracts or not, I mean.

    Thank you!