Comment 157704

Parent Comment

Apr 21, 2024, 11:11:37 AM UTC
Rathyn will make up for it afterwards, I swear! This wasn't done on purpose and he actually likes Ilthran because he comes across as cute and helpless. Don't worry, the next potion will be a hair growing one, giving him very silky hair, better than before!

I love his expression, it's always fun seeing characters drawn by you pull extreme faces.

Comment ID 157704

[Art] Explosive quality potions
Apr 22, 2024, 11:52:07 AM UTC on [Art] Explosive quality potions
He's temporarily additionally helpless and anxious about his potions for a while, but I'm sure he'd appreciate the silky hair afterwards!

Thanks! Drawing expressions like these is both challenging and really amusing. Gotta embrace the ugly or mild realism.


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