Comment 155206

Comment ID 155206

Mar 5, 2024, 8:20:08 PM UTC on [Writing] #86: Formal Event
Oh my! I saw a bit of this in the writing channel on Discord. It was already wonderful there, and the completed version is a masterpiece. The way you capture such complicated movement in prose - and keep it so dang interesting as well! - is really admirable. I'm so excited to keep reading along!


  • Mar 6, 2024, 10:07:22 AM UTC
    Thank you so much! ARPGs have always been a good place for me to test out new and unconventional writing techniques, and every piece is a learning experience.

    With this piece I aimed to dispel my own idea that movement- and action-heavy scenes are difficult to do well in prose, so I drew largely from my experience in fight scenes to balance the description with the character's thoughts.

    A very tedious piece to research because of the heavy use of music and dance terminology, but rewarding in the end!
    • Mar 6, 2024, 9:36:26 PM UTC
      That's really very inspiring, and I appreciate you sharing part of your process with me. This defintely makes me feel excited to try new things and take more risks in my own writing!