Comment 153592

Comment ID 153592

[Art] Raymond's Talisman
Jan 25, 2024, 2:01:06 PM UTC on [Art] Raymond's Talisman
Nice comic!
I feel, the fact, that the compass is broken, may play some role in the future, perhaps it's not broken, but points at something other than North.

As you've requested some critique, I'll share a few thoughts.

I like, how you've made one panel dedicated to the talisman, letting the viewer see its design well and making it stand out as something important, which is fitting for the theme of the drawing.

The blurred backgrounds help to focus the viewer on Raymond's actions, making the comic well readable.

Speaking of readable things, I noticed, that the text sometimes barely fits into the speech bubbles. For more comfortable reading, it would be nice to have more space between the text and the borders of the speech bubbles. The thing I liked about the text is its color, making it different for different characters helped to understand who's currently speaking.


  • Jan 27, 2024, 3:42:24 AM UTC
    Thank you! This is actually one of my first times making a comic page, so I had a few hiccups here and there. I did have some trouble with the text, but couldn't exactly tell why.