Comment 142334

Parent Comment

Apr 2, 2023, 12:09:11 AM UTC
Ah, then maybe try different tools to shade with? It seems like you're using blur/airbrush heavily. It's fine in some circumstances but not for everything. Do you learn better by reading or watching videos? I'll see if I can grab you a few resources to help improve shading.

Comment ID 142334

[Art] Bunny!
Apr 6, 2023, 12:19:30 AM UTC on [Art] Bunny!
Yea I'd like a few resources I always learn better by watching videos Smile!!


  • Apr 6, 2023, 2:14:53 AM UTC
    Awesome! I am very tired today, long day. But I will take a peek sometime this week and see what I can find. I can grab one I watched recently and liked, though! It's an exercise I've done myself multiple times and it def is good practice and teaches you a lot about not only values (shading,) but also how to construct a good piece.
    I think I might have originally supplemented it with another video, that suggested the exercise. You pick a photo to copy, and then paint it in just black and white. I have serval of those and you learn to think about things in a very interesting way. It's helped me a lot!