Comment 137109

Parent Comment

Dec 23, 2022, 6:21:34 AM UTC
Hey there! I like Aster. You don't see many bee-human hybrids around. Very cute. Nice work on the character as well. Relatable :')
The expression in this piece is great! I love the was their eyes sparkle and the positioning of their arms and hands emphasizes the look on their face!

I noticed that the coloring goes outside the line art in a few places. What medium do you use? Some things, like watercolor, are very hard to control and take a lot of practice. This looks like some sort of marker, though? As artists we can practice purposeful and careful mark making to help alleviate mistakes in traditional mediums. Here is a tip to help with that:
Be aware of what pivot you are drawing from. Most people naturally draw from their wrist, like writing. But you can also make strokes using your elbow or shoulder. Drawing from the wrist is good for small and detailed strokes, while drawing from your shoulder is best for longer and smoother lines. Drawing from your elbow is kind of like a middle ground!
Here's an article for more detail:

I like how you shaded the neck area in the line art.
Overall, very nice piece, and I'm excited to see more from you!

Comment ID 137109

[Art] Aster!
Dec 25, 2022, 8:52:50 PM UTC on [Art] Aster!
Thank you! I use mostly Copic, but also some other markers. I was drawing on a paper that bleeds a bit since it was just in my main sketch book! These tips are really helpful, thank you!


  • Dec 27, 2022, 7:24:44 AM UTC
    Ahh gotcha! In that case, you could look into getting a multimedia sketchbook? They're my favorite, typically handle whatever I put them through.