Comment 135272

Parent Comment

Nov 22, 2022, 7:54:15 AM UTC
Winter 4024 darts back and forth in front of their opponent erratically, ready to attack. Senka, The Wraith 13023 paces back and forth through the sand, body shuddering unnaturally. They stare at their foe with unbridled rage.
Feeling clever, Winter 4024 manages to outsmart Senka, The Wraith 13023, striking first.

Winter 4024 cracks their jaws and launches a freezing jet of water at Senka, The Wraith 13023, drenching them in cold liquid. Senka, The Wraith 13023 frees themselves of much of the liquid before it turns to ice but cannot escape the harsh cold.
Claws supported by their gauntlets, Winter 4024 does 3 extra damage.
Senka, The Wraith 13023 tries to get in a hit on Winter 4024' side, but Winter 4024 whacks them with their wing for 123 damage and screeches indignantly.
Winter 4024 does 123 total damage to Senka, The Wraith 13023
With a victorious cry and a show of strength, Winter 4024 manages to knock out Senka, The Wraith 13023, winning the match!

Winter 4024 is at maximum VALOR!
Senka, The Wraith 13023 is at maximum VALOR!

Winter 4024 ends the fight with 100 health.
Senka, The Wraith 13023 ends the fight with 0 health.

Winter 4024 walks away with:
<a href=""> 1 Shadow Sphinx </a>
<a href=""> 250 Baubles </a>
<a href=""> 4000 Baubles </a>

Comment ID 135272

Nov 23, 2022, 8:30:27 PM UTC
Thank you for rolling these! It looks like I received a Shadow Stone instead of a Shadow Sphinx in the item transaction:
