Comment 134798

Comment ID 134798

[Art] Breathless
Nov 17, 2022, 2:50:43 AM UTC on [Art] Breathless
Love how graceful this figure looks. His expression is so thoughtful. Poor Boo, not being able to be a badass because of the hole in his chest.


  • Nov 17, 2022, 5:26:04 AM UTC
    Yeah, in the campaign, Bryan tried using his air power to fly, and ended up collapsing on the ground, then gasped for air after running for 5 min. He exploded a lettuce trying to practice his earth powers cause his air powers didn't agree with it and he went unconscious doing a finishing move in a battle- Kiri had to give him a breath so he could wake up XD poor Bryan is very frustrated at being fragile. He could've become very powerful before this scar T.T
    • Nov 19, 2022, 5:39:31 AM UTC
      Poor Bryan. It makes sense for that to be so important to him - he's trying to do big things after all.
      • Nov 20, 2022, 7:36:39 AM UTC
        Yeah- he puts a lot of burden on himself to do that thing at the same capability he did before the incident too. He knows what his potential was and now isn't. It's a hard reality for him to accept Sad