Comment 13314

Parent Comment

Aug 25, 2005, 10:26:06 PM UTC
You're welcome Robin Smile Most of our artwork we do, tend to just change right from under our noses, because our minds are jsut teaming with little ideas that beg to be drawn. So though we plan for them to be done a certain way, they usually turn out unexpectedly different. But more often than not, they still have the same basic idea to them that you had foreseen in your minds eye ^^. I like that though, because it lets me know my creative side is awake, and is calling out to me to do something with it hehe. And practicing at whatever talent one has, will most often wield greater success at what they do. "Practice makes perfect" And everyone knows full well it's true. So keep on practicing at what you do, and you get the results you want Smile

Comment ID 13314

[Art] The Seamstress - Lineart
Aug 25, 2005, 11:00:22 PM UTC on [Art] The Seamstress - Lineart
*grin* Usually when I start a detailed piece like this, though, I do a bunch of sketches first to see if I can get one I like best - something that fits my artistic needs and still portrays the idea I want. In this case, I'm short on time, so Ihave to just wing it - but I think it will be ok.


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