Comment 132728

Parent Comment

Oct 11, 2022, 8:16:10 PM UTC
Woah, thanks for explaining that! I'll have to keep that in mind in the future ^.^
I've never thought about doing an ink drawing and then going over it with digital color, what a cool idea xD
and that's a really cool profession!

Comment ID 132728

[Art] Inktober 2022 day 7, Trip
Oct 12, 2022, 4:18:09 AM UTC on [Art] Inktober 2022 day 7, Trip
It's kind of embarrassing. I can't draw in SAI to save my backside. It's just easier to do it in ink and scan it. I just don't have time to practice. Can also do pencil and re-draw the lines in SAI and color it.
Here's and easy practice, learned this trick in art school. Take a picture of something and make a "graphic" drawing of it. What that is, is make the shadows black and leave the rest white. What this does is the white suggests something is there without it being there. It's kind of an optical illusion. The next drawing do the same, but then add half tones (medium grey), those places that are between the shadow and the white. This will teach you not only how to shade, but how contrast works. All simple black and white graphic art is "contrasts". The last step it take that same image and using what you learned from the other two steps is do a realistic drawing of it. It takes practice, but will help you draw better.
Looks really cool with wet or shiny things, like a frog.


  • Oct 12, 2022, 4:31:53 AM UTC
    Woah, thanks for the advice! I'll definitely give it a shot! It's kind of you to explain all of that ^^
    • Oct 12, 2022, 4:37:09 AM UTC
      No problem, I used to teach some home schooled kids art. So good at explaining this sort of stuff. Though I would rather show then tell, sometimes it's easier for visual people lilke myself to understand it better that way. Like "perspective", way easy to show how it works then explain it.