Comment 116523

Parent Comment

Nov 15, 2021, 2:59:07 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Nov 15, 2021 by tuxedocatstuff
Type: Egg

Tier: Rare

Proof of Ownership: in inventory (bough in stryx store Order #5BTW7)

Comment ID 116523

Nov 30, 2021, 7:14:22 AM UTC
I need a character link as I don't work with the orders.


  • Nov 30, 2021, 9:20:53 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Nov 30, 2021 by tuxedocatstuff
    Edit: I realized what you meant
    • Dec 1, 2021, 2:30:00 AM UTC
      Sorry to be a pain, runner, sky or RNG?
      • Dec 1, 2021, 6:38:47 AM UTC
        RNG please
        • Dec 2, 2021, 1:38:22 PM UTC
          The egg cracks open to reveal...

          Male - Common Cara
          Tail - Tailless
          Nocturnal - Healthy
          Snow Bengal Pangare Brindle Cloudy Half-Moon Points Indigo Daius

          The character has been updated