wake up silly!

Posted Dec 21, 2006, 6:19:43 PM UTC

this is the colored version of my pokey pokey picture that i submited a loooonnggg time ago.lol. i randomly decided to try the pen tool on photoshop and this is how it came out ^^ i'm not all that happy with the line art but beggers can't be choosers, abd this begger doesn't have illustrater XP,lol.


the scene takes place in the halls of Rainy Beach CO. the two on the ground are grey and eyah, both of which work for rainy beach co. as the band Silver Gaze's manager (grey) and graphics tech.(eyah)

they seem to have been locked out of the recording room in the wee hours of the morning and hence, both fell asleep out in the hall way waiting for the ganitor to come by.

milli, who has no work connection to R.B CO. appears a while later and finds the two as shown. knowing that the granade happy eyah doesn't like to be woken up, she carefully tries to pry grey awake by means of her fighting stick- which she tends to carry around at the randomest of times ^.^


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  • Dec 22, 2006, 12:57:37 AM UTC
    lol. What unfortunate circumstances-I wish them all good luck in the new year. ^ ^;
    • Dec 23, 2006, 11:46:23 AM UTC
      yesh yesh,lol. thank you for your support XD



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