
Posted Nov 13, 2006, 9:55:03 PM UTC
Ulcron was a special purrsnickety I did as a commission for Ulcron3.com. It is going to be their new logo and they where nice enough to let me sell prints. Ulcron is part of the Purrsnicketys Generation 2: The Wylde Bunch. A Purrsnickety(TM) is a cranky little dragon kitty I invented quite some time ago. I have several more and will post them soon.

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  • Nov 13, 2006, 3:45:46 PM UTC
    I think that gigantic (C) is distracting from your art. I also think having it as translucent with a bevel makes your name hard to read which defeats the purpose of the watermark. I suggest putting it in a solid colored text with a san serif font in the corner.

    Just a suggestion Smile
    • Nov 13, 2006, 4:25:46 PM UTC
      I know it isn't pretty, but I have had serious issues with theft and people printing. I have found that you can remove the colored text but this transparent bevel "ruins" the art for reprints. Thank you for the suggestion. I hate having to put anything on it but I had people selling my prints on EBAY!
      • Nov 14, 2006, 8:20:42 AM UTC
        Oh man that hella sucks that someone would sell your prints.
        • Nov 14, 2006, 1:38:18 PM UTC
          Yeah, it is sad. It happened this spring and I had to slap ugly stuff up on my paintings so sorry to everyone who is bugged by it. I am bugged by it too!
          • Nov 14, 2006, 7:31:10 PM UTC
            How did you find out about the art thief? Did one of your friends see it on eBay or did you find it yourself?
            • Nov 15, 2006, 7:03:15 AM UTC
              I found it myself. I constantly look at what is selling in fantasy art just so see what other people are selling and there they where. At first they even had the balls to say it was theirs but I sent them a cease and decist and they cut it out.