Coral Reef Preliminary sketch

Posted Mar 14, 2005, 12:28:41 AM UTC
This semester I am working on an illustration of a Hawaiian Coral Reef for Alice Carter's Art 113B class (aka, the "Tidepool" class). I started off by doing a bunch of research on my 50 species and their habitat. Then I began making several exploratory thumbnails. On the left are a few of the many thumbnails I made to find a composition to start with. I chose a final one and enlarged it. I then began redrawing it to flesh it out into the sketch you see on the right. My next step will be to draw all of the 50 species and arrange them in the composition to prepare for my pencil rendering. After that, it's on to the final acrylic painting.

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  • Jun 9, 2005, 4:37:28 PM UTC
    Okay first let me say that your prelim sketches looks like my finished stuff. Next I want to say sorry for waiting so long to check out your gallery. If I had known your stuff was this brilliant I would of been stalking you a lot sooner. Did I say stalking?! I meant watching...yeah that's it. You do incredible work.
    • Jun 9, 2005, 6:38:36 PM UTC
      Aw come on you don't give yourself enough credit. Your work has far more detail than anything I ever do. Thank you for looking through my gallery though.
  • Apr 25, 2005, 8:35:52 PM UTC
    So you have this one major project for the semester? Well good luck! If this is any indication of how the final will turn out, then it shall be amazing! ^^
    • Apr 26, 2005, 5:18:33 AM UTC
      I'm really behind in it. It's supposedly takes 60 to 80 hours to work on the finished painting. I've maybe got 10-15 hours invested so far and I have one month to finish >.< I'll post it when it's done



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