Purification Ritual

Posted Aug 22, 2023, 9:44:33 PM UTC

CHARACTERS: (L-R): Ghast X4 (E), Tibirin, Arvirin Duskwolf, Invisible Stalker (E), Shevat, NPC, Yshvara-El, Pyre, Viiris Donlo, Spiritual Weapon (Viiris')

The relic that keeps the church grounds hallowed was stolen and got corrupted during an experiment done by the enemy. The team fought to obtain them from a secret chamber and returned them to the Father. Unable to remove the corruption by their own might, they must rely on the man to lift it, but it takes several phases before the ground is the way it used to be. Hallowed.

The group is asked to protect the priest during the ritual, for it will attract some unwanted attention. They agreed, eager to get rid of the state that both the relic and the church grounds are in. They accept their objective, and the man placed it onto a familiar grave for external support. 

He begins his prayer and starts the ritual.

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