
Posted Feb 13, 2023, 3:42:19 AM UTC

Character Name: Sleef

Character Age: 200+

Character Species: Irken

Hair color: N/A

Eye color: pink

Bio: Like all Irkens, Sleef was hatched in a pod and downloaded with knowledge into her PAK - the computer fused to her back - but unlike most Irkens, Sleef begged the computers for more knowledge, curious about science in particular. So of course she was assigned to be a scientist! Specifically, she is a scientist working directly for the Irken military by studying other lifeforms for weaknesses. With a cheerful nature and a kind disposition, Sleef dissects - and even vivisects - any subject given to her. She's practically chomping at the bit to receive more test subjects and more funding, but unfortunately the Tallest (the Irken leaders) aren't that fond of her.... Sleef does her job well, don't get me wrong, but her happy attitude is way too sweet for them, as most Irkens are, well... jerks! Coupled with her eagerness to experiment, she's a little unnerving... It certainly doesn't help that Sleef admires the reject of Irkenkind - Zim. She sees potential in his wacky inventions and is one of the few beings in the galaxy to have a kind word for him. But even then, she understands the danger his explosions cause, and would prefer they meet with a barrier in between them.

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