Sorry Ladies *Sketch*

Posted Mar 25, 2006, 10:13:22 PM UTC
Ah, I lurve my naughty Saiyans good. 'Specially a naughty Goku there. The sketch could use a little tidying, but it is pretty complete anyway. Have fun. It hasn't been inked yet, so critique is welcome.

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  • Mar 25, 2006, 9:13:43 PM UTC
    Well, the biggest thing that I notice is that although they have muscles, they don't have a strong stance that fighters or bodybuilders get. If you go to the gym alot (like I *use* to Sad Gotta go back some day ^^Wink, their back has a correct s curve to it- not a shallow s curve that every day people have cause of slouching. This would make their chest s go out, shoulders back, and a curve in their lower back.

    In the picture, are they trying to be disrespectfull, or cheeky? I think you should make use of what you know of their personalities and add it into their expeession so that they are different- Gokou and his happy/innocence, and Vege with his anger.

    I'm not sure what else I can comment on as yet. Its quite hard to see much more in the sketch Smile
    • Mar 26, 2006, 5:05:27 AM UTC
      Ah, I see what you mean on the curves, especially on Vegeta when I consider his angle. I reckon that would accentuate some of his cockiness too. Thinking of it, it should probably be a thing to work on in more of my drawings.

      I'm generally trying to make the them a between inbetween the disrespectful-cheeky range; I chose Goku's expression because of it, rather than the usual innocent one.

      Thanks for the crit though. Thumbs Up