wait i messed up heres a new guy

Posted Dec 11, 2022, 10:47:24 PM UTC

[me not reading the character guide and immediately uploading Enderman From Minecraft] ERM.. heres my fursona instead GFDJHG


OK WAIT I FORGOT guys im . so confused this site is gonna blow my mind. 

[jazz hands] this is rye. he's a marooned beast that lost all memories of his past life after donking his head on a rock when he fell off his boat, and now he lives on a little island eating berries and making more summer-patterened shirts to wear. he is technically ageless by way of he literally forgot and also cause i hate giving my characters ages LOL . he loves 2 fish and swim, and made a little dinky raft to travel on when he wants to meet up with his friends <:-) thats it his story is uber basic i just like him and he exists . 

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