
Posted Jul 30, 2022, 6:58:18 PM UTC

Name: Daisy Vrye

Age: 37

Race/species: Half-demon

Hair color: White/gold

Eye color: Pink

She lived in a cave in a cave-filled ravine to the east of a small village with her entire family: her grandmother (a demon), her father (also a demon), her mother (a human), six siblings (varied), two nieces (also varied), and three nephews (annoying). Sometimes weary travelers came by, welcomed with a smile, a warm bowl of stew, and a safe place to stay for the night. And also a whirlwind of annoying nephews yelling at them to tell their story and don't leave anything out. Recently, she decided that behind an adventurer sounded fun so she packed a few potions, some cookies that nobody will notice are gone, her journal that her nephews will definitely notice is gone, and a knife because of course you need a knife, and set off on her own adventure like so many weary travelers had described on those long winter nights years ago. 


edit: made the sibling thing less intense :)


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  • Jul 31, 2022, 1:09:53 AM UTC
    She's so cool!:o
    And dang, that's a lot of people to live with Sweat Drop
    • Jul 31, 2022, 3:51:22 AM UTC
      Thanks! I feel like since the ravine has so many huge cave systems there would be plenty of room for everyone to not go insane. Smile



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