Gawain Portrait

Posted Jun 5, 2022, 9:53:22 PM UTC

Name: Gawain
Meaning: 'white hawk'
Age: Young adult (20~)
Species: Faun
Hair: White
Eyes: Olive (Green)

Gawain is a little Faun, born in the deeps of the forest., he has never really beena part of society, but he dosen't really mind. He very much rather spend his days singing with thte birds and playing around with forest spirits.

He lives a very relaxed live, with no responsabilitioes of chores. He changes homes frequently, sometimes sleeping in a generous person's home of even inside a cave whenever he feels fit. Gaw has no job, and is pretty uninterested in the idea of money altogether. As he lives mainly inside forests, eating berries or mushrooms he finds around. He only goes into towns to trade foods, fabrics and supplies. He has love for art and loves drawing birds and flowers he find beautiful.

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