
Posted Apr 5, 2022, 9:35:06 PM UTC

Iohannes, or Ioh (yo!) for short, is a leopard man who has had a colorful many lives. His ancestral past goes back to Mars long before humanity knew the planet existed. They traveled to Earth in order to prevent their extinction on the then dying planet. Much of that history of an ancient modern, near futuristic world has been lost, becoming little more than riddles in the mythology of his earth-bound heritage. Ioh was, like many generations of leopard men, entertained as a cub by the village story tellers that would talk of the sky gods and how they lived among the stars. "We too were born from the stars," would say the storyteller, "And one day we shall return to them." Like most cubs, Ioh had always thought that meant the afterlife, the place they would go when they die. But there were others that believed that one day they might travel to the stars. Either way, both views were taken by faith, and the prophecies of faith were a long ways away, or so it was thought, as leopard men live very long lives. Unfortunately many of those lives would be lost when Ioh's village was attacked by humans around the time of the Vietnam War. With his parents dead, he was entrusted to the family's loyal warrior maiden, who took him to the Himalayas, where he would learn to be a formidable warrior himself. After some time, he eventually traveled the world for adventure, to learn who had attacked his village, and avenge his parents' deaths.

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