Rain rain go away

Posted Mar 19, 2009, 8:22:11 PM UTC

Harvey rested against her side, close enough without being so close as to warrant another smack, and Louie let him. It was probably her imagination, she supposed, but the rain seemed just a little less threatening now. It did have a way, though, of washing out everything else, and she closed her eyes and sank back into her thoughts.

The next thing she knew, something was knocking - no, someone, someone was knocking on the door, and her eyelids were heavy, and had she really just fallen asleep?


From last year's NaNo novel. Things aren't going so well for the crew of the Osprey at this point, and on top of it all, there's a thunderstorm. Louie hates thunderstorms.

She likes Harvey, though.


(who came out adorable if i dare say so myself)

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  • Apr 17, 2009, 3:00:19 PM UTC
    Love the lighting tones you put into this one. You can tell its dark but its also an interior with the soft glow from the left. I love how well you're able to suggest a room with so few details. I would love to be able to do that myself.