
Posted Jul 27, 2007, 11:29:59 PM UTC

Sesshoumaru feeling quite lost in his new realizations about his sword.

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  • Aug 29, 2007, 1:45:23 AM UTC
    Your artwork has won an award from the Feudal Association for the August 2007 term!

    Your award can be found in the following location for the period of one month.

    After that, only first place banners will be available for download, as they are on perminant

    display, here:

    The Feudal Association is a group that presents awards to fanfiction and fanart in the

    InuYasha Fandom several times a year. We just finished our seventh term in existence!

    Our official website can be found here -

    And our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs can be found here -

    Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!

    Please note that each term we also look for volunteer artists to do the awards, like the one

    that you are receiving today, and we'd be delighted if you want to help out in that manner (or

    know someone who does). If you happen to be interested, please sign up for the yahoo group as

    soon as possible and post a message stating your willingness to help!

    ~ The Daimyo
    Owner of the Feudal Association
  • Aug 12, 2007, 8:14:35 AM UTC
    The angle on this one is just superb, making it my favorite of your gallery so far. Corky Smile
    The way his hair hangs down, shielding his eyes to add to his mood, and also floating off to the side to move by his lip then expertly over his fluff... Beautifully drawn and shaded!
    • Aug 13, 2007, 4:56:33 PM UTC
      I like to have at least one or two hairs or groups of hairs that is unruly. It's natural, own hair is always all up in my face or sticking to my mouth somehow. LOL I'm glad you like this so much. Big Smile
  • Jul 31, 2007, 9:47:33 PM UTC
    This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association!

    The Feudal Association is a group that presents awards to fanfiction and fanart in the

    InuYasha Fandom several times a year.

    Our official website can be found here -

    The current nominations pages are here:

    And our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs can be found here -

    Voting is open August 1, 2007 - August 15, 2007.

    Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!

    Winners will be notified by me after August 15th.

    ~ The Daimyo
  • Jul 31, 2007, 4:25:43 PM UTC
    Wow, the shading is really stunningly amazing @_@ So fantastic!!

    I like his expression as well, and the hair looks very nice too, I especially love that one little hair-strand flowing in front of his lips <3 So superb <3
  • Jul 28, 2007, 8:41:46 PM UTC
    Wow! I'm not much of a Inuyasha fan but this looks bad ass! XD the shading rocks hands down. Good work ^_^
  • Jul 27, 2007, 4:47:23 PM UTC
    This is a really nicely focused pic ^^ You have a nice use of light and dark and everything Big Smile You go off a picture for this? I like it alot ^^
    • Jul 27, 2007, 5:33:55 PM UTC
      Thank you. Yes, I use models for my drawings, but only for the face. I change clothes, hair and certain facial features to suit who or what I'm drawing.
      • Jul 27, 2007, 6:46:06 PM UTC
        Me too Smile The faces are a very personal thing and it can be difficult to get individuality without a referance. I'm currently using my first Japanese referance for a Kakashi pic I'm on, and referances on Germans for a pic of Maes Hughes. IT's great practise for me too- I keep forgetting waht the small things look like as I draw >.>



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