Becoming a Team: Stamp 1: First Meeting

Published May 3, 2024, 8:31:20 AM UTC | Last updated May 3, 2024, 8:31:20 AM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

Snippets for MB including stamps, missions, and dungeons to weave some loose team lore for my 'mons~

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Chapter NaN: Stamp 1: First Meeting

Koji's eyes narrowed at all the high-tech gadgets and strange contraptions littering the lobby of the Stellar Guild as he slowing stalked away from the desk to find a quiet place to curl up and wait. The lobby was strangely quiet today and the silence did little to ease his fraying nerves. Just being here was already a big step and he wasn't entirely sure he was ready for the rest of this process, whatever that process was. He stopped at a far corner behind one of the contraptions and settled into a tight ball to watch the rest of the lobby but as time ticked on he eventually drifted into a fitful doze.

It was unclear how much time passed like this but he found himself awoken by a horrible trumpeting noise, his sensitive ears instinctively flicking back to provide what little protection that action could. The sound was followed by a much quieter hello and the meowth's eyes carefully slit open to glare at the two now standing before him.

Though standing might have been the wrong word, the strange horsea fusion that had trumpeted moments before was hovering in place with its ear fins flapping slowly and the flower creature had wrapped its lower vine around the contraption beside him.

"What?" Koji finally muttered after this staring contest had gone on for far too long, one ear tentatively shifting forward again as he rose in a stretch and glanced past them to the desk only to see that the guildmaster had disappeared.

"You're Koji right? The new recruit looking for a couple partners?" The flower responded while the fusion ducked its head, suddenly seeming sheepish.

"I am..." The meowth's eyes narrowed again as he studied them more fully, especially the fusion, before sighing and slipping around them. "I suppose you two are my assigned partners then."

"Yes..." the flower seemed a little put off by his dismissive response but after a moment of thought she just smiled and waved an arm at the fusion, "This is Naia and I'm Saba."

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