Becoming a Team: Mission 2: The Lost Toy

Published May 3, 2024, 8:31:20 AM UTC | Last updated May 3, 2024, 8:31:20 AM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

Snippets for MB including stamps, missions, and dungeons to weave some loose team lore for my 'mons~

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Chapter 2: Mission 2: The Lost Toy

"What about this one?"

Koji's paw dropped from where he had been fiddling with his bandana as his gaze drifted from the broad down to the notice that Saba had pulled off it. He read over it a few times as Naia crowded his other side, the horsea's proximity causing his pelt to prickle but he tried to push that minor irritation away. This was what he wanted right so what was a little discomfort if it brought him closer to his goal? Still he couldn't stop his ear on that side from twitching and even that barely discernable motion seemed to discourage the fusion.

Saba for her part either didn't notice or ignored them as she opened the letter and read out the location details.

Koji resisted a sigh, trying to smooth his fur back down as he side-eyed the fusion now floating away from him. "Sounds good, why don't you two go meet with the client while I have a look around?"

"That doesn't seem like teamwork..." the flower finally glanced up from the letter and tilted her head, gaze shifting from the awkwardly floating fusion to the grumpy cat and back. "I guess that works though..."

"Good, I'll meet you there after my search." He spared the fusion one more glance before twisting himself to all fours and sprinting from the guild hall without another word, eager to get on with it before she had a chance to change her mind. It's not that he didn't like them, he really didn't mind as long as the horsea's noises didn't get too loud, was a lot to take in. He was restless, overwhelmed, and trying not to take it out on his new 'partners' and it had only been a few days since he'd submitted the paperwork to join. It just felt like everything was happening too fast since that 'incident' and he still wasn't entirely sure this was the best option.

The meowth slowed as the harsh city paths thinned to scattered huts and eventually to towering trees, this was where he felt more at home. His claws ached from keeping them extended to pick up speed but he kept them out as he sniffed at the sweeter forest air. This was the last place the toy had been seen and was likely the place it had been left, or stolen if the prank-loving ghosts were still lingering in the area.

Saba glanced up at a noise in the distance, her petals shifting in the gentle breeze as her lower vine dug deeper into the soft dirt and her eyes trailed to the setting sun in the distance. Behind her Naia's quiet hums continued soothing the young ralts undisturbed for a few more moments before shifting to a quieter, more inquisitive noise by the gossifleur's side.

Before she could answer the noise came again, closer this time, and her gaze dropped to catch the meowth's lithe shape slipping from the treeline and heading their way. Koji's gaze was on the ground as he carefully navigated the path up to the gallade's hut but his pelt looked ruffled, streaks of green and brown staining his light fur and the skitty doll carefully secured in his jaws.

Naia hummed again and Saba loosened her rooting as the meowth finally glanced at them before stepping around them to drop the doll beside the sleeping ralts. "You found it," her voice was low as she twisted to follow her leader's movements.

"Yeah," the word was barely a breath as he watched the child shift and pull the doll into her arms, a gentle smile replacing the troubled look from earlier. "Let's get back..."

Saba glanced at the happy family and then at the grumpy cat already stalking away, this was a problem that she wasn't sure how to solve. Even barely knowing him this distance felt wrong, something was wrong and she needed to figure out what if this 'team' thing was going to actually work. Preferably before something else broke...

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