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Uploaded on Mar 3, 2024, 12:16:00 AM by shona .

Zeke Altair #pd4195

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Character data
Date addedFeb 13, 2024, 2:13:23 PM
Date last editedMay 30, 2024, 9:21:22 PM
Owner ClickerFlight
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Zeke Altair


Element: Earth

Species: Unicorn (cursed)

Age: 29 (in this reincarnation)

Height: 6'4"

Physical Traits: Tall and solidly built, but not seriously broad, dark markings on his skin. If asked about the 'tattoos' he will tell you they are not tattoos. They are all over his body, a more complicated design on his back. Light brown hair to the shoulders, a dark tail with brown markings and hair, and a dark horn protruding from his forehead. Yellow/green eyes.

Equine form - Golden eyes and hooves, tan fur with dark markings. Dark horn, an extra pair of legs, and a long tail striped tipped with tan hair. Long ragged mane.  

Personality: Firm and stoic, quiet, though rather skittish at times. Has a very gentle smile when he feels safe enough to show it. 

Attack notes: Zeke attacks mainly with his magic and his fists. He is a master at winning fights with random items he gets his hands on. He has become quite proficient with bottles and chairs when he's burned himself out of magic. He is a fan of bar fights even if he doesn't drink alcohol. 

Background: Zeke was one of the princes of the reigning unicorn family of his country, Kotaar. This family has 12 members at one time, each named after the twelve brightest stars visible in their skies. When a unicorn dies, they simply reincarnate after a year or two with no memory of their past lives. 

At the age of 26 a unicorn goes through a ritual to unlock their equine form and a new level of their powers, as well as have fate pair them with a person who would keep them grounded as they gained new powers and became even more than just immortal royalty. Zeke was paired with a jorogumo boy, an elven race cursed into horrific half arachnid forms. Bound by fate, the curse escaped down the bond and into Zeke, who's pearlescent hair became an earthly brown, whose skin became marked with cursed symbols, and whose very equine form became cursed and twisted. His family quickly hid him from the crowds who attended his ceremony. They kept him in the dungeon, afraid the curse would transfer to anyone who was close to him as sorcerers tried to reverse it. They could not. They also quickly learned that Zeke was immortal and would not reincarnate when he died. Afraid of what this could mean for the whole family, they put Zeke to sleep. When he woke up, he found himself in a forest in a world far from his own country, his magic shifted dramatically enough he had to relearn how to use it, and experiencing pain and mortality for the first time. He traveled with only a blanket to his name, learning about the mortals here and what it means to be mortal himself until he found the jorogumo he had been fate bound to, Rune. Rune and his grandmother, Akordia, were willing to take him in and take care of him, helping him relearn how to use his magic until he and Rune began to adventure out together. 

Bits and Bobs

-Zeke refused to eat apples for a long time as people always thought he would like them since he was a 'horse.' (He ended up really liking apples when he gave in)

-He loves earrings and fancy belts. He really struggles to keep from buying new earrings every time he goes to a market where someone is selling them. 

-He is incapable of lying. Rune and Akordia have tried to teach him, and while he's learned how to lie through omission, he can't seem to lie beyond that.

  • 53
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Mentor Talisman Ability

NOTE: Only the first 100 items are loaded on this page.


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