Character Event: Elemental Festival - Foraging

Chapter 9: Elemental Festival - Foraging

William negotiated a deal with a local miller and baker to get all the tortillas he needed to make for him. With vegetables farmed, meat hunted, and tortillas made, there was only one thing left to gather. The folf needed seasoning spices to give his burritos that extra kick to make the flavors pop. Unfortunately, neither the adventurers stuck on the planet nor the locals had a convenient supply of prepackaged spices. This minor setback meant that William would need to forage for what he needed from the wilderness of Castimera. After consulting with some locals, he headed out to see what he could find.


Finding all the herbs and spices wasn’t an easy task. Most of the wild plants on this planet were flowers. While they looked nice, they weren’t the best tasting. William found a trader with some cheese that he almost forgot he needed. After quick trade, the folf could cross cheese off his list. The trader didn’t have any spices or knowledge of how to find them locally in the wild but wished William the best of luck in his pursuit.


After some time, the folf did manage to find a few bunches of herbs but nowhere near enough to make what he needed. Hungry people were waiting for him, and he needed to work faster. He couldn’t do much magically to speed up the process, but he was getting angry. As the folf checked a flower field for helpful anything, he caught a whiff of something that smelled exactly like what he needed. A whistled note isolated the smell and allowed William to follow it back to its source quickly. In a shady part of a wooded island, he found a small shack with dried plants hung from its porch.


As William approached the creaky wooden hut, a small, frail human woman appeared from the doorway. She regarded the grey folf cautiously but relaxed when he explained that he was trying to forage for the ingredients she conveniently had on her porch. The older woman thought for a couple of moments before she agreed to trade with William if he brought her back one of his finished burritos once he finished making them. He agreed and gratefully acquired what he needed. As the folf left, he realized he had yet to tell the mysterious older woman of the hut what he had intended to make. 


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