Character Event: Marooned in Mushrooms

Chapter 3: Marooned in Mushrooms

A flash of light momentarily blinded William as the arctic folf stumbled out of the portal. The humid scent of spores and decay struck his nose, as William’s one good eye readjusted to the light. Only one place had this terrible mix of smells, Faedin. William’s vision returned to greet him with the sight of mushrooms of all shapes and sizes as far as the eye could see. A string of swears escaped William’s lips as this was not where he had intended to end up and he wasn’t too keen on being back of Faedin. There were no familiar landmarks around and every large mushroom looked pretty much like the next with small variations in color and size. William checked his pack to find he didn’t have enough regents to try to open a new portal. He was stuck and lost in the endless mushroom forest of Faedin. 


William picked a direction and started walking but stopped when he felt the unmistakable tinge of portal magic in the air. Someone else must’ve opened a portal nearby which meant that there might be someone that could help him get out of there. After he took a deep breath, William was able to feel the general direction the magic came from before he started to head in that direction. He pushed his way through the mushrooms till he happened up a two-foot-tall mouse girl, with green hair and ears, who was wearing a black jumpsuit.


“Hello there,” William called out as he pushed past a mushroom stalk, “do you by chance know the way back to civilization?” The mouse girl let out a scared little eep as she tried to hide behind a small mushroom. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” William apologized as he stepped back, “my name is William of Clan Wintersong-Drackonas and I appear to be lost.”


“Hi, wasn’t expecting other people out here,” the mouse girl replied as she stepped out from behind the mushroom, “my name is Mozza Rella the Fourth.” Now properly introduced Mozza explained that she didn’t know which way the town was either. William suggested that they work together to find their way out of the mushrooms. 


After the two decided against trying to open a new portal, mostly because portals never worked correctly when William opened them, they decided to see if they could locate the way to the Olerius Spaceport through the use of magic. Mozza pulled out a series of tools and began to wave them around in the air. Arcane symbols that seemed to radiate fire magic appeared in the air as some sort of machine began to take shape. Moments later Mozza stood there holding some sort of magitech device with a wire-wrapped handle.


“Ok I’ll channel my fire magic into this device while you channel your sky element into it and the resulting lightning blast will show us the way to go,” Mozza explained in a lot more words but those were the only ones that William understood. As he nodded to pretend to understand what Mozza had just said, William unsheathed his talisman dagger and handed it to the mouse girl. William began to whistle notes from the Winter Song which cause air magic to build up around the witch knife now in the possession of Mozza. She touched the dagger to the device she had conjured moments earlier. When the sky energy met the fire energy that radiated from the device it reacted violently. An arch of lightning leaped from the device and off into the mushroom forest. The path the lightning took burned a small trail in the ground and several mushroom trees for a short distance and filled the air with the smell of burnt ozone.


“So do we follow that or what,” William asked confused, “I’m not entirely sure I understand the whole plan.” 


“Theoretically the lightning flew towards the largest concentration of metal on this planet which should be the spaceport,” Mozza explained as she started to walk in the direction the lighting arced in. “So  if we go in this direction we should eventually find our way out of the wilderness.” With no better idea, William shrugged and followed Mozza off into the mushroom forest.

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