Alkara's Dream (Re-submission of Latent Element): Moon's Grace

Published Nov 18, 2022, 6:57:00 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 18, 2022, 6:57:00 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Chapter 1: Moon's Grace

Alkara is currently trying to sleep, outside in the middle of the woods.
He would sleep somewhere else, but currently this is all he's got.
To the other people on the world, the clock strikes 12. For Alkara.
It doesn't strike at all. He finds himself in a sort of..... pocket dimension?
The grass around him seems to have stopped moving, in fact nothing is moving.
That's when he sees it. Is that..... himself?
If it is him.... he seems to be wearing some peculiar robes... And suddenly the moon shines, with the light of the sun.
And he's face to face with himself. "When the moon shines with the power of its other, then you will know strength, and the very waters of the earth will bend to you will."
And just like that, it's morning.
(Latent Element: Water)

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