Diaries of Brave Storm: Dying Daylight

Published Sep 14, 2022, 4:00:55 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 9, 2023, 4:51:42 PM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

A collection of diary entries written by Brave Storm throughout her life.

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Chapter 5: Dying Daylight

Dear Diary


It’s finally calming down a little bit. I met an interesting stallion last month, Gold Standard. He’s part of a family in Canterlot that owns this big record company or something. I tried to understand what he was telling me, but I’m more inclined to listen to music than understand its process. But that’s beside the point.

We met when he said he was heading off to claim a cragadile shell for Professor Golden Sage’s research. I only stepped in and offered to help him because I legitimately thought he’d get himself killed if he went by himself. But he heard me contemplating communicating with a Bofugren to get its drool or whatever, and it turns out he knew ESL! So he offered to come along and help me with that. We had some fun conversations along the way, I mean we talked about some stuff I never even thought about.

Look, I promise this isn’t a stallion-crush entry. It’s just been busy and I spent the bulk of November with him as we worked together. Although, now that I’m letting myself think about it, I don’t think I’d mind giving him a shot? Ugh, back on point.

It’s December! The nights are getting longer, the days are shorter. It’s starting to get cold, and it’s been a few degrees below freezing for a few nights. I’ll wake up in the morning and see frost all over the grass and on my patio. It shouldn’t be too much longer until the pegasus are scheduled to make it snow! I think I’ll invite Gold Standard and Dusty to go sledding with me. I don’t think Canterlot really lets the snow get so bad it’ll disrupt day-to-day life. And I bet Dusty misses Ponyville, so it’s a good excuse to bring her over.

I forgot! There’s this super cute scarf I bought on sale at the tail-end of last Winter. It’s attached to a hood that has little antlers on them and the ends of the scarves have these big pom-poms. I finally get to wear it around soon! Probably in a couple more weeks, it’s still just a little too warm (for me) for that. I know Soft Glow would appreciate it right now, but she’s already busted out her whole Winter wardrobe. 

I hope my brother can make it home this year. It feels like its been ages since I last saw him. I remember when we were kids, I found out pegasus never schedule snow on my birthday, and I cried and cried. I was absolutely inconsolable. I have no idea how he did it, but that year he managed to convince a few pegasus to store some Winter clouds and had it snow around our house that day. It melted in like two hours, but I was so happy. It took me years to figure out he had something to do with it.


Brave Storm


P.S. I’ve been stocking up on peppermint candies and peppermint chocolates. I always intend to make it last a good few months, but they’re always gone by April at the latest. Maybe this year I’ll be better about it, we’ll see!


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