Diaries of Brave Storm: Cloud Caboose

Published Sep 14, 2022, 4:00:55 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 9, 2023, 4:51:42 PM | Total Chapters 7

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A collection of diary entries written by Brave Storm throughout her life.

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Chapter 3: Cloud Caboose

Dear Diary


Have you ever wanted something so badly that you would risk life and limb to get it? Well, I risked limb and now my leg is broken. It's in a cast right now and slung up over my shoulder. You have no idea how much your body parts weigh until your neck has to carry one of them around on its own. At least I’ll be able to get my friends at school to sign my cast once I don’t need the sling anymore. I always kind of wanted to do that.

What did I want so desperately that breaking a leg was something I was willing to risk? First of all, breaking my leg wasn’t part of the plan. Second of all, I want to fly. I’m the only non-pegasus pony in my family and it's easy to get jealous as an earth pony when you see them soaring the skies. 

But Star Atlas had an idea. He brought down a cloud and told me to try and walk on it. Of course, I stepped right through. No surprise, I’m not a secret wingless pegasus hybrid. At least not in any way that would matter. But then he began to pull some of their loose feathers out of his wings and tossed some tape to me. 

“Strap my feathers to the bottom of your hooves,” Star Atlas told me, “It’s time for Operation Cloud Caboose.”

He's something of an explorer of ideas and so many of his ideas sound crazy enough to work. And a couple have in the past! So I did as he told me and stepped onto the cloud with the feathers firmly on my hooves. Surprisingly? I sunk a little bit into the cloud, but I was able to stay on it!

The next part involved Star Atlas pulling up my cloud and pushing it around in the air for me. The cloud carried me shakily up to about a second-story height until, for whatever reason, I fell through. Landed on my leg and to nopony’s surprise, it broke from the weight and my fall. I cried for at least three hours straight.

I have the best brother in the world though. I’m so happy that he cares about me enough to constantly come up with and try out new things to get me into the air with him and Mom and Dad. I couldn’t ask for a better family.


Brave Storm


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