Diaries of Brave Storm: Terrible Treats

Published Sep 14, 2022, 4:00:55 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 9, 2023, 4:51:42 PM | Total Chapters 7

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A collection of diary entries written by Brave Storm throughout her life.

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Chapter 2: Terrible Treats

Dear Diary


Today I tried candy corn. Usually, I wouldn’t be writing about such a trivial thing as a new food here since it’s hardly something I’d consider an emotional impact enough to be worth reflecting on later in my life. But let me tell you, this was utterly life-changing, the despicable colorful thing parading as a fun seasonal candy is nothing more than an inedible object pretending to be more than it is. And what’s worse about it is that there are ponies out there that believe its lies!

It's a thing that only shows up around Nightmare Night and I always considered it a fun decoration. It is beautiful and its lovely colors really do reel in the Autumn festive feelings. It’s something that I would often scatter around tables and pile on to make the corn cob shape that the “candy” was modeled after. It was too waxy, obviously, to be a candy. You can feel it in your hooves the moment you touch it.

But I caught one of my friends eating it, shoving them into their mouths and chewing on them as steadily as one might a real candy. I asked about it, assuring them that they are not meant to be eaten even if they aren’t food toxic and they insisted that it is CANDY corn. Fair argument, I thought as I brought one into my mouth. I didn’t want to miss out on something my whole life that could end up being my next favorite thing. I refuse to believe my friend did nothing more than play an elaborate prank on me because the alternative that somepony out there legitimately thinks that this is okay to eat is somehow worse to me.

For those of you who might have broken into my diary that like candy corn as a confection, I demand you seek me out and answer me this- do you also enjoy eating crayons? Because that’s what I bit into that day. A soft, waxy crayon in the shape of a corn kernel. 


-Brave Storm

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