stop, in the name of-!: battle entry

Published Jul 25, 2022, 7:41:04 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 25, 2022, 7:41:04 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Soggy Sentinel boss fight entry.

2. Draw or write about your character trying to stop the boss without fighting it.

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Characters in this Chapter

Arcus PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd57
234 total points
5 approved points


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Chapter 1: battle entry

2. Draw or write about your character trying to stop the boss without fighting it.


    The fierce vixen slid into a stop, pulling her kukuri, Morakniv, behind her with a golden chain. The winged creature honked at her vexedly, as the wyfex straightened her posture, and looked up.

    The Sentinel towered above them, and Arcus lifted her arm before her, shouting:

    "I command you to stop!" The wyfex's electric toned voice echoed. The kukuri turned its eyes to the wyfex with a puzzled expression. This wasn't like Arcus - she would throw herself into battle without thinking, head first, always. It was as if something had to be rushed, or that someone had run out of ideas. Weird.

    The Sentinel seemed to bow down slightly, and halt as its hollow eyes shifted downward. Arcus set her hands onto her hips with a confident, metallic chirp, as her ears twitched in pride. A splash and a big wave later, it was quite clear something as lacking as the wyfex's attempt wasn't going to stop it.


158 words

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