Soggy Sentinel Boss Fight: Memories of Water

Published Jul 19, 2022, 7:44:13 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 25, 2022, 3:43:38 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Chapter 1: Freya and Brier stop the wildfires!

Chapter 2: Freya recalls a memory.

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Chapter 2: Memories of Water

     The water was calm and cool, not unlike the small lake near her childhood home. 

After the last of the summer harvests, her family would pile into a cart and head to the lake for a day of fun. Freya and her father would teach her siblings how to swim and fish. They would play games by the water and race each other to see who was the fastest swimmer among them. Freya usually lets her siblings pass by and win. She is out of practice, they could all outswim her by now surely. 
     In the early evening, they would pile into a small boat and fish. If they were lucky and caught something they would have it for dinner, grilling it on the shore. If they weren’t, they would eat the last of the bread and cheese they packed for the trip. The days they caught nothing were a little disappointing. 
     After all their fun they would hitch their horse and pile into the cart. Her siblings usually fell asleep, but Freya would stay awake with her father. Sometimes they exchanged a few words but more often than not they journeyed home in silence. She would watch her dad steer the horse, look out at the neighboring fields, and observe the forest in case an animal zipped by. Those were good times.

     Ripples started appearing on its still surface. She was crying. 

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