Tributes - #946 & #911 & #4493: Galyx Prompt Architect

Published May 31, 2022, 10:48:39 PM UTC | Last updated May 31, 2022, 10:48:39 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

THE STRYX TRIBUTES - Darkstar - Ashen Knight - Sugar Frosting


THE WITNESS - Overseer

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Chapter 2: Galyx Prompt Architect


Darkstar (Nickname - Dark)

Ashen Knight (Nickname - Ash)

Sugar Frosting (Nickname - Sugar)



Overseer (Nickname - Seer)





Landing at the next destination, the four stryx settled around the timber in front of them. They were positioned at a construction site, and the three participants were getting harnessed to be able to carry wood to and fro, as well as making sure the wood would not fall if they were to become unbalanced, as there was a big possibility of causing damage to the bones of the structure that was already put up, or even injuries to the human workers on the ground. Oversee didn’t say a word this time, deciding to let them fumble around and try their own ways. Mistakes made one better, Seer believed. And as they watched, boy were there a lot of mistakes. The first one being, as usual, Darkstar fumbling and almost dropping a piece of wood from their beak, as they tripped trying to take off. This caused Sugar to try and comfort the embarrassed cara - but with their own beak hanging onto a bundle of wooden beams and back loaded with even more, all they caused was panci as those around tried not to get hit as they swung their head and body around.


Ash just sighed, and mumbled out, “If I could sell them for a potato chip, I would. And then I would sell that potato chip back for a better version of them. Maybe then I could sleep at night…” With a ruffled of their feathers, they bobbed up and down once, and then took off towards the destination their own wooden beams would be going to. The construction zone was a large area, where they were building a barn for messenger stryx. As the zone was close to a large and popular city, in which many Stryx who were companions of the humans living within tended to help deliver products to and from the city. As well, distant merchants used their own stryx companions to deliver products to the city, therefore creating a trade center of sorts. But as there were no places for stryx to stay that were safe buildings, they had decided to make one. As there had been reports of attacks of rouge stryx - and there was no prevention of that at the time. So now, as Seer settled in to watch, the beginnings of a stable began to take form.


Dark was in charge of the delivering of beams, as they had tried to help pour cement onto the base to level the floor, but of course they got cement everywhere it wasn’t supposed to go. Fortunately, for the cara at least, they had not gotten any in their feathers so was able to still help. But, they were demoted to just the carrier stryx, as no one wanted them to try and position beams, or anything else that required finesse. As this stryx was sure to not have any in their repertoire. Sugar however, as flighty and chattery as they were, had quite the eye for mistakes. Seer was impressed, a little bit, as the gryph always seemed ditzy and all over the place. But, they had an eye for design, they acknowledged. This was found out by Sugar screeching out, “NO! If you don’t fill in here and make sure it's stable it might just tumble and fall and everyone inside would be flattened like pancakes in a pancake fryer!”  And there went the impressed part. Well, at least Sugar knew something. Meanwhile, Ash was actually enjoying this part of the trial. They were delegated to the balancing job, and making sure beams that were being welded together were stable, and not moving as the workers began the tedious job of making sure the beams were held together well enough a stryx would have a hard time jostling the structure, and causing it to collapse.


As the day went on, and the three continued to work, the building was coming along nicely. A large building, it took a good amount of time to make the bones but with three stryx helping, it went by faster than if they were not. As the sun started to go down, the three were tasked with the final placement of the roof. Now, the roof had already been made, and just needed to be lifted and situated on top of the structure of the barn.


Dark was reluctantly allowed to help, as even with a gryph and harpia, the roof was quite large and heavy, to withstand even one of the largest stryx to situate itself on the top, once finished. With steady movements on Ash’s part, scattered flapping from Sugar to stay steady, and panicking breaths by Dark as they tried not to drop their end, the roof was placed on top of the building structure. And everyone cheered, happy for the day to be done, finally. There was a small break then, and Ash, Sugar, and Dark all collapsed on the ground, panting. The back and forth had been a bit frantic, and very tiresome on their wings and body muscles. Their talons were also a bit scuffed from the metal and wood they clung too, and the strain on their wings was intense. Though it was not so much from the weight of each load as much as the overall use of the wings. For they had been in the maze prior for a good hour or so, and then spending a good 12 hours - with breaks for food and water - hauling wood and supplies back and forth - any stryx would be tired for sure.


As the humans wrapped up, and the stryx had rested a good bit, Overseer grunted, blinked, and dipped their head a smidgen, before flying off towards their third and final destination. The three were too tired to do anything but sigh, and follow, though not without shaking off their exhaustiveness, as they knew the next trial would be relaxing, as it was the final trial. Though inside they all were proud of that small acknowledgement. Even though they knew it was because there were no accidents that had happened. It was something, and they would take it.


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