Danovan on Fire: The Baker's Routine

Published Jan 25, 2022, 10:26:35 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 26, 2022, 1:36:30 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

Exploring the connection of Danovan to his element of fire, the chapters are otherwise only loosely connected.

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Chapter 1: The Baker's Routine

A typical work day for Danovan involves him getting up at moonset to help Isodore prepare products ready for the people who start their job at sunrise to purchase beforehand. He grooms himself then heads to her bakery where he consults her about the settings required on the ovens that day before using a series of spells to ensure this. He then helps her to make bread but is not as good as her at getting the correct amount of air into it, since she is a sky magic caster rather than having the fire element like him. Both of them use spells developed by bakers of the past for this express purpose - indeed the local guild to which Dan and Isodore belong seems to have a set for each element which they teach as part of the apprenticeship. After they finish making the products for the day, the two of them sell these in the shop, where they also take custom orders with enough notice. They don't usually cater to nobles but can if the kitchens of a given one is particularly busy - again they need advanced notice.

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