Lord talons flight: Lord talons flight story

Published Jan 19, 2022, 3:50:41 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 19, 2022, 3:50:41 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

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Chapter 1: Lord talons flight story

It was a beautiful evening not a cloud in the sky. Lord Talon was soaring high up. He did not see anything strange and it was a beautiful thing, he thought. He flys into the sun so no one can see him. He loves the beauty of the sunset. The sunsets are incredible in The Cat Dimension. The sunset was short. It is Winter in The Cat Dimension and it is the Winter Solstice. So therefore it is the shortest day of the whole year. Dusk came and still no threats of outsiders, wow. His job was so easy right now. He was thoroughly enjoying flying and stretching his wings. Nightfall is coming and everything looks so beautiful down below, he thought. He was flying over the wild mountainous ranges of the dimension. The mountains were perfectly still and fully snow covered. Lord Talon loved the snow and the colder temperatures. He wished he could go down and play in the deep mountain snow. He soon shakes himself of his dream and continues with his job. Next it is the forest region and almost nightfall. Night comes and the forest is serene in its winter bleakness. Until he notices a flash of something black and very fast running through the woods.

He thought it was a cat but no it is wolf. And an evil one too. The wolf is a Fenrir and they have nothing but evil intent towards the cats. The Fenrir then hides as he realizes Lord Talon sees him and he does not want to be caught. The Fenrir's name is Draak. He is the leader of the outsider Fenrir clan. Lord Talon thought what he saw may have been an illusion. He keeps flying onward until he spots Draak again. He swoops down to get a closer look. 

When he gets down there Draak snarls ferociously. He lunges for Lord Talon and cuts him open on his side and Talon starts to bleed. Lord Talon quickly shakes off the blow to his side and defends himself by blowing hot molten fire on Draak. Draak's fur catches fire and therefore fuels his fury. Draak and Lord Talon clash in mid air and then tumble down and continue their brawl. Draak goes for Lord Talons's neck and Talon goes for Draak's head and bites him. The bite crushes Draak's skull and kills him. Lord Talon feels ashamed it had to end this way.

Lord Talon sadly flies on. He is almost done with his flight and is on his journey back to his cave. He gets back to his cave and falls asleep for the rest of the night.

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