take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act

mine gf


hi!! im vulture. you can call me vul, vult, or bone!

i use uwu unironically and im full of so much love at all times.

i draw every day. mostly birds and horses sometimes. thinking about turkey vultures always

im hopelessly in love with my girlfriend chanidae and i'd do anything in the world for him


i've got adhd and chronic pain, but i try not to let it stop me!!

my dream is to work with raptors and turkey vultures specifically.



| taxidermy !! | turkey vultures | birds | whale sharks and aquatic animals | furbies | horses | soft things | quesadillas :) |


beloved birds

desert - covenant - moksha - samuel - chicory - evelyn


my commissions are always open!

i do design services, item services, base edits, and of course, fully rendered illustrations.

message me for more info!

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