
Open group | 553 Members

Post 30554 - Ownership Transfers [Open]

  1. Posted on Oct 2, 2020, 2:36:07 AM UTC
    ID: 30554

    If you are unfamiliar with how Ownership Transfers work, please read about them HERE before submitting a request!

    Please do NOT have conversations here; we must keep this area clutter free for our admins' sakes. If you have questions, please ask in our Discord Server.


    To submit a request, please fill out the appropriate form from below and reply to this thread

    Only one request per comment, please




    Dracostryx Import: (If both parties are on PD, PD imports only. DA imports only when the old owner does not have a PD account.)


    New Owner: (PaperDemon tag or DA username linked to their account)


    AP Tracker? (linking is optional but encouraged)


    Wipe Personal Information? (optional, y/n or specific sections to wipe)


    Custom Companions? (link the companion imports if yes)


    Flocked? (is this stryx in a Flock? y/n)




    If confirming a geno being transferred to you:


    Link to geno: (comment URL of the TRANSFER comment)


    If transferring a geno from a journal that is ARCHIVED or has 10,000+ comments:


    Link to geno: (comment URL showing you are the current owner)

    New Owner: (PaperDemon tag or DA username linked to their account)


    If you have any DA hosted genos that you would like to record on PaperDemon, fill out this form below

    1 comment per clutch

    Link to geno: (comment URL showing you are the current owner)





    Companion: (link to PD asset)

    New Owner: (PD userID tag)


    Uploader Use ONLY!


    Last edited by AlphaStryx on Oct 18, 2023, 9:44:14 AM UTC. 77 total edits.