Comment 92853

Comment ID 92853

[Art] pasta bowl (finished)
Jan 19, 2018, 8:57:52 AM UTC on [Art] pasta bowl (finished)
The clouds came out really well, what glazes did you use?


  • Jan 19, 2018, 5:52:53 PM UTC
    I didn't do the final glaze part. Petroglyph fires and glazes it for you. So I did the drawing/painting on the bowl. For the clouds I used "vanilla" colored paint with a thin tip at the end so i could draw in the lines. it also makes it very thick so it creates a texture.
    • Jan 20, 2018, 8:20:08 AM UTC
      Oh, that is interesting. Glazes are lovely the different glazes react. If you feel like making a piece of pottery for general use, I recommend trying out glazing it yourself. It's fascinating to see how the glazes transform and interact with one another after the firing.