Comment 3594

Comment ID 3594

[Art] Hawaiian Coral Reef
Jun 9, 2005, 9:56:49 PM UTC on [Art] Hawaiian Coral Reef
You are very welcome. I see that you've met Minimaid. I would like to bring over a few more gallery friends that I know would just love PaperDemon. One of them just draws male nudes though and I was wondering if it would still be okay as his whole gallery would probably be in the RedCurtain.


  • Jun 9, 2005, 11:43:13 PM UTC
    Yeah thats fine. Just as long as the work doesn't go too overboard. I'd like to have more artists in the Red Curtain. It's still much smaller than the Paper Demon site.
    • Jun 10, 2005, 1:22:22 AM UTC
      Okay, i'll tell him to come and check out the site. Thank you.